Sterling Taylor
Sterling 最喜歡兩件事:攀岩和駕駛他的 F 850 GS。 "I leave my comfort zone when I'm climbing; I learn more that way", he says. "I think it's important for people to be in nature, to discover it and let things just happen sometimes". 騎摩托車有些類似。它教會了他很多人生道理——日常生活的道理。
這聽起來可能很奇怪,但是 Sterling 攀岩時必須戰勝自己的恐高症。即使攀岩多年,這種恐懼依然存在。 "I actually think it's a good thing because it makes me feel like I'm alive". 600-metre rock faces are no obstacle for him. "You grow as a person when you challenge yourself". 他的目標不僅僅是到達頂部,更是為了體驗攀爬過程中的經歷。對 Sterling 來說,頂部是額外的獎勵。
Sterling Taylor
Sterling Taylor
Sterling 挑戰自己。
Sterling 挑戰自己。
攀岩時,Sterling 需要全力以赴。首先,不斷訓練就是一項精神上的挑戰。訓練越艱苦,他的身體承受的壓力就越大。Sterling 必須為漫長的攀岩之旅做好準備。他幾乎每天在岩壁上攀爬,以此來磨練自己的技能。他挑戰自己,刻苦練習,突破極限。 "What happens next is really surprising. A year later you're climbing a cliff that you never imagined tackling".
Sterling 早上醒來時會提醒自己,是什麼在鼓勵他前進。 "There's still a lot to learn and a lot of new things to try". 這是他的座右銘。他的目標是逃離世俗和平凡。他希望盡可能多地體驗不同的事物,感受特別的驚險刺激。對他來說,攀岩和騎摩托車是最理想的出口。他曾經騎著摩托車旅行了一年。 "I rode through 47 states, and never spent a single night in a motel. 我一直都是睡在我的摩托車旁邊。 Sometimes even in the rain".
Sterling 在德克薩斯州長大,9 歲時開始騎摩托車。他的朋友也都有摩托車。週末他會和朋友見面,在郊外比賽。15 歲時,他撞壞了自己的摩托車。Sterling 的媽媽收走了他的摩托車,但他繼續和朋友見面。 "My mother didn't know it, but I was still racing". 那時候他騎著一輛輕型摩托車。 Today he appreciates motorcycles that he can ride both on and off road." Like the F 850 GS. 這對我很重要,尤其是當我不得不騎著摩托車去另一個城市工作時。 It's also good for expanding my horizons, like when I want to go on an adventure with my friends and do something crazy".